deliver a baby

美 [dɪˈlɪvər ə ˈbeɪbi]英 [dɪˈlɪvə(r) ə ˈbeɪbi]
  • 接生孩子;接生婴儿
deliver a babydeliver a baby
  1. She had gone to a village to deliver a baby .


  2. Who 's going to deliver a baby , you ?


  3. I 'm not leaving you alone . I can deliver a baby .


  4. If I can kick drugs , I can deliver a baby .


  5. Women who deliver a baby by caesarean section face a number of medical risks , including the possibility of infection , blood loss , pulmonary embolism and death .


  6. A doctor in Sweden , Mats Brannstrom , is the first in the world to deliver a baby as a result of a uterus transplant .


  7. However , women in a range just below established criteria for gestational diabetes were still two to four times more likely to deliver a baby with high birth weight or elevated insulin levels .


  8. There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi , tired after a day 's work , went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her .


  9. By swallowing the Oceanid and her unborn child , Zeus became pregnant with Athena , but he wasn 't built to deliver a baby and he seems to have gestated the baby in his head .


  10. However , although brain dead humans are technically no longer alive , their bodies can often still circulate blood , digest food , excrete waste , balance hormones , grow , sexually mature , heal wounds , spike a fever , and gestate and deliver a baby .


  11. While cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries , some scientists are already pushing ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby .


  12. Pregnant women with a family history of early heart disease are more likely than women lacking this history to deliver a low birth weight baby , according to a report published in the medical journal heart .
